Friday, October 9, 2015

Draft Thesis Statements

In this blog post I will be drafting 2 or 3 thesis statements for the Rhetorical analysis of my text.

  1. In his article in Rolling Stone (a liberally-leaning magazine), Bill Mckibben uses direct quotes from Obama and acknowledges counter-arguments to establish credibility. He then uses shocking facts about the direness of our environmental situation, and potent language to emphasizes how Obama has let us down when it comes to climate action. He ends with emotionally-charged stories of grassroots action groups and a hopeful tone for the future to leave readers feeling empowered to fight for change and pressure politicians into doing the right things.
  2. In his 2013 article titled "Obama and Climate Change: The Real Story", Bill Mckibben, a prominent climate activist and journalist, employs compelling and clear language to push for action. He uses shocking facts about the direness of our environmental situation, and potent language to emphasizes that Obama has let us down when it comes to climate action. He ends with emotionally-charged stories of grassroots action and a hopeful tone for the future to leave readers feeling empowered to fight for change and pressure politicians into doing the right things.
I think that from here it's going to be hard to organize my essay to hit all the points in my thesis in an intuitive way. I will need to revise and rethink my thesis as I work into the writing process.
Webb, Michaela. "Where am I going to go?" 2015

Reflection: I read Stef and Olivia's posts. I felt like they did a good job of explaining the goals of their articles but could've done a better job of talking about rhetorical strategies used to accomplish those goals.


  1. Maybe try directing a sentence toward your audience , although for me it was kind of awkward addressing my audience in an essay since that's uncommon in high school however once I did I could see how the rest of my essay would flow and be organized for this particular essay.

  2. These theses are both well written and cover a lot of different aspects that you could cover in the body of your essay. The one thing I would suggest is not being to detailed in your thesis, as you want to still have something to argue in the body. I do like how your theses are opinionated which will give your essay direction and opportunities for backing up your claims.
