Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Narrowing My Focus

In this post I will choose a few questions and explain why I want to explore them more for my public argument:

Where have Mccain and Flake's campaign financing historically come from? What have they historically fought and advocated for?

I want to explore this more because I think that they aren't interested in how the things that they fight for effect people and the environment, but rather how they effect their primary campaign contributers. I think that this is going to be the basis for my argument.

What exactly happened legally with the midnight rider addition to the bill that allowed this to happen? What would need to happen legally and politically to save Oak Flat?

I want to understand the legal circumstances better because I think that that's where the biggest hole in my knowledge is: I don't know that much about our legal system and how these bills work.

Webb, Michaela "Narrowing" 2014

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