Thursday, October 22, 2015

Punctuation part 2

For this post I read the sections unnecessary commas, the semicolon, and quotation marks.

Unnecessary commas:

  • don't use a comma after the last item in a series.
  • My general rule for commas is to use them when it feels right and not use them when it doesn't. I think that this generally works out pretty well. All the examples from the book of where not to put a comma are instances that sound weird to put a comma anyway.
  • used to connect parts of a sentence that could stand alone but are related.
  • the book gives a handy list of words and phrases that signify that a semicolon should be used

Quotation marks
  • used for titles of short works
  • no quotation marks for long indented quotes
  • use single quotation marks for a quote within a quote
Webb, Michaela "desolation wilderness" 2013

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