Saturday, October 3, 2015

Analyzing Message in "Obama and Climate Change"

In this post I will be thinking about the message and purpose of my article.
The two most relevant bullet points from the "message and purpose" section of Student's Guide are:

  • express an idea or opinion 
  • advocate for change
I chose these because Mckibben is clearly trying to express his opinion about Obama's lack of action on environmental issues. Because Mckibben is such an influential environmentalist, it is likely that this article impacted public opinion towards Obama, and maybe even acted as a catalyst for some of the protests that have happened since (drilling in the arctic, etc.).

The bullet points that don;t seem relevant is:
  • analyze, sysnthesize, or interpret
This is because Mckibben is trying to do much more than interpret a situation. This article is very much so calling for action.

I think that the article aims to explain the situation, express a strong opinion about it, and solicit action from the readers. 
Webb, Michaela. "fire". 2012

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