Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Questions About Controversy

For project 3 I will write about Oak Flat and the plans for mining that will likely destroy it. In this post I will write questions about the different aspects of my controversy.

  • Who:
  1. Who is Senator Grijalva and why does he care about these issues?
  2. What is Senator Flake's history with issues like this?
  3.  Has he made sleezy decisions in the past that align more with the values of his campaign contributors than the people of his state?
  • What?
  1. What is the involvement of outdoor recreation in the debate?
  2. What exactly happened legally with the midnight rider addition to the bill that allowed this to happen?
  3. What would need to happen legally and politically to save Oak Flat?
  • When?
  1. When is the mine going to be constructed?
  2. When would it be finished?
  3. When?
  • Where?
  1. Where are Jeff Flake and Mccain from?
  2. Where is Oak Flat in relation to the San Carlos Apache Reservation?
  3. Where did the San Carlos Apache historically live?
  • How?
  1. How has the climbing community reacted to the proposed development?
  2. How have Flake and Mccain reacted to the pushback?
  3. How has Rio Tinto historically treated land and people? 

Webb, Michaela "I am insane" 2013

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