Saturday, October 3, 2015

Analyzing My Own Assumptions

In this post I will be analyzing my own personal values and beliefs and their relation to the text.
This article was written recently, and is basically still relevant to today. As a society we have the same cultural beliefs about the environment as we did 2 years ago when the article was written.
My own beliefs pretty much align exactly with this article. I believe that Global Climate Change is no doubt one of the most daunting challenges facing us today, and that the US has an ethical obligation to be leading the way in Climate Action. Bill Mckibben is one of my role models in how to create positive change in the world. He has helped support numerous college and university divestment movements, and has written about the environment and climate in a way that is accessible to the general public.

I think that it's safe to say that I am biased.
Webb, Michaela. "Talk to the hand". 2012.

Reflection: I read Carrie and Jovanka's posts. One thing that it made me realize is that it could be challenging to analyze the texts objectively when we are already coming in so opinionated. It will be a good exercise for me to try and be objective towards something that I am so passionate and opinionated about.


  1. I think it's good to admit that you feel biased when it comes to your article. This will be important to keep in mind when analyzing your article. I too have a lot of beliefs that align with my article as well.

  2. I think that I definitely share the viewpoint that I am biased towards my article and I think that could be either a good or bad thing. I think it's good because we can provide very strong, but biased, arguments for our opinion, but we can still recognize the other side and understand that people have differing views. I think global climate change is a good topic because people have very different views on that.
