Saturday, September 19, 2015

Paragraph Analysis

Westfall, Greg. "Bored Girl". 10/3/2009 via wikimedia commons.  creative commons license

I did a paragraph analysis of my QRG and commented on how well each paragraph accomplished the following guidelines:
  • focuses on a main point (RfW 4a)
  • develops the main point (RfW 4b)
  • organizes itself internally (RfW 4c)
  • links ideas coherently (RfW 4d)
  • provides smooth transitions (RfW 4d)
I learned that in general my paragraphs are pretty well-developed, but there were times where I could've had smoother transitions between ideas within the paragraph, or transitions between paragraphs. I also noticed places where I didn't conduct a full analysis of quotes or social media posts, and transitioned abruptly to the next paragraph. There was one paragraph that I thought could be broken into two for easier reading. 

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