Saturday, September 12, 2015

Draft of Quick Reference Guide

One thing that you should know is that I'm currently not using correct citation techniques. This is intentional! I've embedded the link to a website after sections where I used that website as a source. This is just to keep track of all my sources and make it easy for me to access them as I'm working on my drafts. This will change once I write my final draft.

I'd like feedback on the organizational structure: is it intuitive? Do you have any suggestions for better ways to organize the information?

Also, does the historical example at the beginning add value or detract value from the piece?

Please feel free to give me any feedback you want! Below is a link to the draft

Nic McPhee. "Editing Paper". 01/26/08 via Flickr. Creative Commons License

Important note: After revising the draft for step 4.4 I added correct hyperlinks for citation. I still don't have any pictures in the draft. This is intentional because I can't figure out how to add captions for citation in google docs. I will add photos for my final draft on this blog!

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