Friday, September 4, 2015

Evaluation of Social Media Sources

It was surprisingly hard to find social media sources on my controversy. I thought it would be easy, because I've heard alot about the movement to protect Oak Flat and the controversy surrounding the plans to build a mine there, but there wasn't very much social media activity. 

I found a post on twitter written by Sarah Kutzler. The post includes a political cartoon: 
Webb Michaela "Screenshot Political Cartoon" 9/3/15 via Twitter

Her twitter account describes her as:

"Homeschooling mom of three, veteran's wife, photographer, political activist, and vegan! Originally from Chitown. I love travel, sports, cooking, and gardening." and it says that she lives in Mesa, AZ, which is close to Oak Flat. Most of her posts and the posts that she likes are about environmental and Social Justice issues. She has 386 followers, which doesn't give me a whole lot of faith that she's a knowlegeable source. Her account was created in November 2012. The information that she provides (Which is mostly just a request to John McCain to focus on the welfare of people rather than big business) is very representative of other social media posts about the issue. Most posts are stating an anti-mining/big business opinion and asking for support of the San Carlos Apache Tribe. I think that the source is a reliable representation of a commonly held opinion on the matter of building a mine at Oak Flat.

The other post that I found expressed a different opinion (also on Twitter). This post is by the Superior CU alliance, and links to an opinion piece in AZ central by a member of the San Carlos Apache tribe who doesn't see Oak Flat as a sacred site for his tribe. On their Twitter page, The Superior CU Alliance describe themselves as: "founded in March of 2013 by a group of concerned citizens in response to the innapropriate actions of the Superior Town Council". They are located in Superior, AZ, and they have 350 followers. Most of their posts are pro-mining. They joined Twitter in 2013.

Both of theses sources aren't really credible except in their own opinions. They are valuable because they give me an idea of what ordinary people are saying about the Oak Flat issue.

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