Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Revisiting my Writing Process

As I look back on my first few posts of the course a few thoughts come up. To answer the question for this post, I don't think that my writing style has changes drastically since then. I have had to approach writing differently for this course, simply because of time constraints in my life this semester. Many of the blog posts for this class were an exercise in speed-typing and divesting myself from caring about quality. This is because I was working too many hours and I was prioritizing spending time with my friends over school work. I think that once I return to a saner schedule, my writing style will return to normal. Reading the calendar reflection makes me realize that something was off this semester. In the calendar reflection I say that I have "good work ethic" and have never had a hard time focusing and getting things done. This has not been the case this semester. I have had an incredibly hard time just sitting down and studying/focusing on one thing. My mind is always going in 10 different directions, and I'm rarely productive in the way that I used to be. I'm hoping that this is a temporary problem, because poor work ethic is one of the things that I hate the most in other people and hate even more in myself!
Webb, Michaela "Floodwater Canoeing on the Santa Cruz" 2015

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